February 16th, 2024

Check out my new youtube video here

Whats up guys and welcome to 2024, its ummmmm a month late but here is the Intellivision Amico update, we decided to do an update video since Intellivision decided to spam out inbox with their shitty product and merch sales

If you want more from us let us know in the comments ok!

Your feedback is the only way we can improve the channel so we encourage you to leave a comment positive or not to help us keep improving! Thank You.

Tags: #intellivisionamico #intellivision #tommytallarico
Join our nerdy discord

Gamer Tags:
Switch: SW-0811-7848-6201
Stream: https://steamcommunity.com/id/dorkalicious/
PS4: Dorkalicious_Lyd


Intro Music Credits:
8-Bit March by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution