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Hey Guys
Welcome back for an extra VTuber Newsy News video, This video was originally going to be part of the regular Newsy News but it got so long I thought if people weren't interested in Mikeneko then it would bore them so I split it off into its own video.
In this episode lets look at HURICANE MIKENEKO who is going on a tear. After tweeting she was going on hiatus she has done anything but as she continued to stream, get in fights, accuse people of slander and generaly get really angry about people just speaking about her actions.
I'm sure if she could speak english I'd be getting lawsuit threats just for speaking about whats happening.
I'm not sure if what she does at this point even qualifies as "Slander" under japanese law or if she is abusing the system for attention
You guys tell me
Time Stamps:
0:00 - Intro
0:19 - Mikeneko goes on Hiatus according to YAHOO
1:55 - Mikeneko Fights with People on Twitter
6:34 - Reddit gives you a TLDR on Mikeneko
10:56 - Mikeneko gets fan support on twitter
11:32 - My Thoughts on Mikeneko
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