July 2nd, 2024

Check out my new youtube video here

Hey Guys

Yesterday was Canada Day so no video but I'm back today, in todays video we'll be looking at a bunch of insane stories from good old Wactor, the black company that just wont go away.

NIJI and WACTOR are just the worst.

So lets get into the stories, First Mikeneko (Formerly Rushia & Nazuna) accidently showed her loading screen during a Ruki Yoruno - 910 INC / Wactor LIVE STREAM.

Next up is Mitsurugi Lia who retired from Wactor in 2023 but recently her Youtube channel has private all her content and premiered a new voice actress using the same model. This is a move that is hated almost every time it happens with the most famous occurrence being Kizuna AI. I can tell you this wont go well, you can't replace the You in Youtube.

After that is NIJISANJI Twisty Amanozako of NIJISANJI making a very NSFW tweet that is obvious rage bait but also sort shows how desperate things are for NIJISANJI if they need to resort to rage bait tweets. If her goal was to get us to talk about it then great you achieved that, but it wasn't exactly a good look, this probably falls into the old idea of "any publicity is good publicity"

Next up is NIJISANJI's Viewership continuing to slide downwards in the latest numbers report, as well as the announcement of Elira Pendora being a Life Sized Figure that will appear directly across from Doki's booth and AX this weekend.

After that is a meme, Pipkin Pippa goes full corporate with her Twitter Profile dishing out the big bucks,

Then the biggest story over the weekend that i'm late to, Kizuna AI returning to YouTube but maybe not in the way everyone hoped for.

Then a final tweet from A-Chan and Dokibird's casual win for artists at AX

Hope everyone has a wonderful day

Time Stamps:
0:00 - Mikeneko becomes Wactor's Ruki Yoruno?
4:00 - Wactor Skin Walks Mitsurugi Lia
8:08 - NIJI Twisty Amanozako Inappropriate Tweet
9:35 - NIJISANJI Viewership is down 40%
10:35 - NIJISANJI Life Sized Elira Pendora
11:39 - Pipkin Pippa Trolling Twitter
12:55 - Kizuna AI is BACK!
14:58 - AChan Retires Officially, her final message
15:50 - Dokibird with a big win for artists at AX

Tags: #nijisanji #nijisanjien #anycolor #sinktheyacht #nekonewsnetwork #vtubernews #kurosanji #lidiavtuber #lidianekozawa

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