October 31st, 2024

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Hey Guys

Welcome to todays video, in this video lets talk about the NIJISANJI Anti Defamation Club, a group at NIJISANJI whose sole purpose is to seek out and take down people who defame them, what is defamation or slander in Japan? well whatever they want it to be basically. No wrong think allowed. Agree with corpo or shut up ok?

After that is Kunai Nakasato who graduated to become SunnySplosion, She explains how in her year at Nijisanji, she made less than 1000 dollars in merch over the entire year.

After that is Dooby3D who explains her very expensive 3D setup and how it costs nearly $20000 in camera alone, nevermind the Models, PC to do the shows, and all the other investments.

Next we talk briefly about Mori Calliope of Hololive who had an amazing debut concert and crossover with Persona 3.

Following that is Yuuki Sakuna formerly Minato Aqua who faces some difficult questions from fans on Marshmallow with fans asking if they can trust her. I know its an indirect way of asking what happened but it seems kinda inappropriate.

After that is Multiple LOLI ASMR VTubers getting banned and unbanned on Twitch and Youtube, I dont know how to say this but basically the combination of those two subjects is borderline outlawed at this point. Do it and you will get banned.

Next is Nexas VTuber Agency who randomly and unprompted put out a pledge saying they will not use AI, Than we will very briefly touch on Mint Fantome who is have her 3.0 model debut tonight

After that lets look at the stats for top VTubers in Q3 and a VTuber named JUNK who made it onto mainstream media, a surreal interview

I wrap up talking about Mega64 who are beloved and how they almost shut down due to scams.

Time Stamps:
0:00 - Intro
0:13 - NIJISANJI Announces Results of Anti Defamation Club
8:44 - Kunai aka SunnySplosion MADE no Money at NIJISANJI
11:38 - Dooby3D Shows off her Expensive 3D Studio
13:26 - Calli New Model and Persona 3 Crossover
14:38 - Aqua faces Harsh Questions
18:35 - Multiple Loli ASMR VTuber Banned
20:44 - NEXAS VT Agency Pledges no to AI
23:14 - Mint Fantome New Model
23:40 - Top English VTubers in Q3
24:31 - VTuber JUNK gets on Main Stream Media NEWS
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