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Ok so Nijisanji just announced their new wave "Denauth" with 3 new members
Ryoma Barrenwort, Twisty Amanozako and Klara Charmwood
The girls actually have very cute designs but Ryoma is rumored AND I MUST MAKE IT CLEAR ITS RUMOR, rumored to be who just had his own black screen stream 3 weeks ago apologizing for taking advantage of his viewers
If that wasn't enough, he also has very unusual content covering ASMR of very highly inappropriate subjects
Judging by NijiSister crazyness, I suspect this guy will fit right in and be beloved for his "comforting" content
Next we'll chat about Mio's health condition which seems to have improved but she is still restricted to not leaving the hospital :(
After that we'll discuss Nerissa of Hololiv getting banned from twiitch Than a nutty fan wanting to sue sayu for the dumbest reason and finally Mint Fantome appearing at Anime North
Time Stamps:
0:00 - Nijisanji New Wave of Members
2:50 - Ryoma Barrenwort Perv Tweet
4:42 - Ryoma Potential Previous Life
10:56 - Ryoma PL Channel Red Flags
12:06 - Ryoma Potential Apology
13:44 - Mio Health Update
14:48 - Nerizzler Banned on Twitch
17:12 - Sayu being Sued? huh
19:04 - Mint Fantome at Anime North
Tags: #nijisanji #nijisanjien #anycolor #sinktheyacht #nekonewsnetwork #vtubernews #kurosanji #lidiavtuber #lidianekozawa
Channel Tags: Lidia, LidiaVtuber, Lidia Nekozawa, LidiaNekozawa, Lidia Vtuber
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